augment system


New Member
At the last mordor as i saw to get skills from Life stone was super easy... My opinion is to make it harder


Not from my experience, last Mordor I used roughly 500+ tops and ~200 highs and didn't get skills I wanted. That plus high grade life stones were very rare and, because of that, insanely expensive (up to 200kk each), while normals/mids were literally useless.

So no, personally I don't think it needs to be nerfed. If anything, changes to the LS drop rate should be made since tops were way to easy to get when compared to highs.


Change it so you can get all skills from top life stones.

It was too easy to get wild magic which is broken. Not saying I don't enjoy playing nuker with 100% critical rate but it's broken.


New Member
You should be able to get all skills with all lifestones, imho. Only chance to get something is different with each grade of stones.


last mordor was the worst server ever to get any kind of skills , for 5 months we manage to make 0 augments from 10 hours farm ( if not more ) lower fog , we speak about thousands of high LS , top LS was a different story


16 hours non stop farm at lower fog = 0 high ls , had many days like that while the good days was like 10 hours 3 high ls but that was just on the very lucky days.